Social media and the #bodypos movement

April 26, 2016 Alexandra Prim 0

Alexandra Prim

Even Caitlin Marceau sometimes finds herself thinking body-shaming thoughts. “Ugh, I’m so fat,” and “I don’t have a good enough body for this dress,” are phrases that have passed through every woman’s head at some point, but Marceau actively fights this mentality as much as she’s able.

Growing up big

April 21, 2016 Alexandra Prim 0

Alexandra Prim

The first time Laura Cole was called fat, she was seven years old and it was by a boy at school. For her, that was the turning point.

Department of Correction receives funding for new grant

May 8, 2015 Evelyn V. Martínez 0

Three non-profit organizations in Boston; VISIONS Inc., Span and the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute, are working together to implement different parts of the Intergenerational Justice Program (IJP), a $457,000 grant that was first funded in October 2014 by the Executive Office of Public Service and Security with federal money from the Department of Justice.